Dag 315 - Irish storytelling

2014-06-16 | 23:57:00
  • Today both kids had summer camp, and I got the young one at 13:00. We did some videos and funny photos to my mom, dad and sis. Later we went out and played a little. Later the mom came home with A and the dad also came home early, dont know the reason. So I was off at around 17:00 and did some stuff before meeting Chrissi for Froyo. then we went to the pub where there was a cool old fashioned irish story reading with diff. Chicago actors. The book was Ulysses, written in 1922 about the Bloomsday in 1904. Although I didnt understand that much, it was very cool and unusual and fun. A lot of people had old fashioned, formal clothes and hats and so on. Then later Julia and Gavin came. We went downstairs to play some cards and we watched the fifa game between Ghana and USA. Really good game. Dempsey is a hero! Playing with a broken nose and everything. Then at 22:30 I ordered chicken wings for me and Gavin who was still there. Then we went home, it was very windy but so so humid and hot. like 26 Celsius. 


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