Dag 313 - Bye to my South Africans

2014-06-14 | 23:22:00
  • Today the day started with waking up pretty late. Ive got to stop watching youtube in the middle of the night. Im becoming my dad xD So I went down Armitage st. and bought 2 jerseys on a second hand shop. And then I met up with Clem to go to the beach. But first we bought some stuff on CVS, Clem found a cheap ball and I found soap bubbles, fun! then we went to the beach. Chrissi, Julia, caroline and Gavin came later and we all were at the beach, but we couldnt reach Kath, the girl we were going to the beach for. It was hers (and Jes and Helens) goodbye day. So fast this year has gone. So sad to see these fun girls just one more time. Anyway. We were at the beach, and we also saw some performances from a world champion man cheerleader, that was pretty cool, like in a high school movie hehe. Then we all went home to fix ourselves for the night. 
  • Later we went to Kaths house for some good food etc. Met a lot of nice girls there, and one of them was the South african girl Genevieve, so nice! We took some pictures and mingled around. Kaths kids dropped her goodbye cake, who could NOT see that coming? Later some of us went to Red Ivy for som party party, but some of the girls I didnt jnow talked us all into go to a house party instead, with random american ppl. It was weird in the beginning bcause everyone seemed to be 25-28years old and they were just sitting down drinkin or playing a serious death match or beer pong. But after a while it became more okey. Genevieve wanted to leave after 15 min she said in the beginning, and she ended up being the drunk one, so cute hehe! So at 2-3-ish in the night I helped her taking a cab home. I also said goodbye to Kath and Jes (my fox friend). Going to miss them so so much. Love you!


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